The Check Collector
SIR _ You are directeoJo hay^he- Bearer, at your Treasury Office in the towa of
allars— for Military Services , done at
Ter order of the Town’s Committee.
// Dolls . C/5.
The Check Collector
The Check Collector
Editor: Robert A. Spence
P. O. Box 69
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Editors: Herman L. Boraker
William H. Stump
Time again to pause and look up
and around! Check collecting continues
to be as fascinating as ever. There are
many check collectors out there and some
are now hearing about our Society for the
first time. Some are becoming members.
Please pass the word.
The Check Collector is issued four times
a year for members of The American
Society of Check Collectors.
Subscription only by membership; dues
$10.00 a year. Outside U.S.A., Canada
and Mexico, add $2.00 a year.
Send address changes to the Secretary.
Advertising rates and terms from the
Editor. All rights reserved.
Vice President:
Secretary :
Treasurer :
Directors :
Robert A. Spence (1990)
P. O. Box 69
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Herman L. Boraker (1990)
P. O. Box 204
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Charles V. Kemp (1989)
2075 Nicholas Court
Warren, MI 48092
Jon C. Cook (1990)
P. O. Box 6363
Holliston, MA 01746
Eric Jackson (1990)
Trey Foerster (1989)
Ken Harrison (1989)
Lawrence Marsh (1989)
I should like to commend and to
thank those members who write and greet
our new members and send or offer some
checks with their compliments and congra¬
tulations. Check collecting at its best!
Our membership has increased
over the past year, even though some mem¬
bers have been dropped at this time for
non-payment of dues. The Directory of
Members in this issue contains many up¬
dated addresses and zip codes.
Included with this issue is a
ballot listing eleven members nominated
for the Board of Directors. Please vote
to show your support.
Our Society contains a wonder¬
ful group of collectors who have given
of their time, talents and special skills
which has enhanced our enjoyment of check
collecting. This issue contains informa¬
tion and photos of some outstanding rari¬
ties which were submitted by some of our
members who have generously shared their
collections with us.
The Check Collector continues
to mirror your interests. An illustrated
article is very much needed on the sub¬
ject of checks, drafts, bills of exchange
and warrants , to enable some of our mem¬
bers to more fully understand the uses
and to easily differentiate between these
instruments. Decent photocopies of items
will do. Thanks to those members who do
submit articles, comments and suggestions
to The Check Collector. It is your jour¬
nal and you are what makes it go.
Happy collecting.
Vice President:
Jeane Flaig
a • » • a ■
1. Vignettes showing beehives were often
used on bank checks. Why?
2. Some vignettes show a dog, a safe
and a _ ?
3. Name three methods used in the 19th
century to provide protection against
alteration of checks?
4. Name three kinds of revenue stamps
used on checks and bills of exchange?
5. What is a "counter check"?
6. Name six territories in which checks
were issued?
7. What is an "allonge"?
8. In European use, what is meant by a
"crossed check"?
9. What is meant by an " RN-FAC" ?
10» What is a "warrant"?
11. What is meant by a "Quaker date" on
a check?
12. What was the name of the first bank
in what is now the United States?
New members who send a #10
S.A.S.E. to member C. P. Brittain,
P. O. Box 415, Cherryville, NC 28021
will receive some checks for your
collection with his compliments.
The Check Collector
by Robert A, Spence
One of the happy pleasures of check collecting is
the surprise discovery of an item in your collection, or one just
acquired, that displays a direct tie with past history. Checks
and related fiscals show their tie to historical events much more
directly than do many other collectibles. Since the check and
its related forms are the very essence of a transaction, our hobby
provides many of these opportunities. The dates, names and auto¬
graphs, locations, vignettes, endorsements and the names that ap¬
pear on checks, along with the uniqueness of each item, are each
like tie cords reaching back through the past to the very essence
of a historical event or point in time.
Experience has shown that many check collectors al¬
ready have several items that have direct and significant historic
relationships that are not realized nor appreciated by the collec¬
tor. This observation appears to be especially evident when the
checks are from locations or areas of interest that differ from
those of the collector's main interests. Nonetheless, many check
collectors are turning up new finds, or discovering new information
about items in their collections and enjoying it! The wide variety
of these discoveries and areas of interest are but an indication of
the broad spectrum of check collecting.
As a suggestion and hopeful inspiration to new col¬
lectors and as a respectful reminder to experienced collectors,
there follows some notes on a random selection of checks and rela¬
ted items which it is hoped will whet your desire to review again
with care, some of those interesting looking items in your own
What better way to start than with our first item,
brimming with history, which is shown as the top illustration on
the front cover page. This Warrant, or Order to Pay, was most
generously submitted by Sandy Mock. The date is significant, as
it is but six days after the Battles of Lexington and Concord!
Here was fired the "shot heard round the world". This Warrant
sho ws that it was heard in the Colony of Connecticut, as their
"riflemen" colonists set off to join the "American Army near Bos¬
ton" . We remember that General George Washington shortly there¬
after took command of the American Army on the Common in Cambridge,
near Boston. Note that a "Committee" authorized the Warrant to
Treasurer Lawrence of the Colony. This Warrant form was used as
the Bank of North America had yet to open its doors. Today, one
Eunice Robbins would most likely have received one of the attrac¬
tive Statue of Liberty vignetted checks of the U. S. Treasurer
prepared by computer for such services. On the reverse side of
the Warrant is included a notation "Audited- 13 May 1776". Less
than a month and paid, cleared and already passed through an audit!
Next time you see one of those U. S. Army Paymaster checks, remem¬
ber that its ancestor is probably this item.
Taking a handful of items from a recently acquired
batch of material, an item caught my eye and it was another mili¬
tary Warrant, which is pictured at the bottom of the front cover
page. The wording at first may not appear to warrant a second
look, but here is another "rifleman" item. This time it is the
War of 1812. The military saw action against the British all along
The Check Collector
the Cape Cod coast and the southern Massachusetts coast near New
Bedford. Military records show that the Port of New Bedford was
blockaded by the British ships Nimrod and La Hogue. The militia
was called up to serve and to protect the exposed towns along
this coast. Remember that Washington City and the White House
had been invaded and burned and we had not enough ships for sea
defense of the coast. This Warrant was to pay one Samuel Miller,
Jr., for his service.
I j§*
To the Treasurer of the City of New ■ York ,
at the Mechanics' Bank,
’vU'O./ / $
jj.f oAiccL
1 h ^lVL/yv Jc-x fc, t/vico Tf^x. Dollars,
gi | Ip/®*" /IrvN* ttiLj v tLc<. it Ltj (f)e^~AC « — ->
0; J :§f.
|: \v ia Dy order of C. Council.
3; ^
it i ^
ii t »
« * Si
r. i
After the War of 1812, the United States enjoyed a
great expansion and economic growth. New York City became the
financial center of the country. Figure 1 shows a check of New
York City signed by the Mayor, Walter Bowne, and others, in the
amount of $263,600, a king's ranson in those days when an ordi¬
nary workman received as wages about a half dollar a day. The
equivalent present value of the amount of this check today is
estimated to be about 50 million dollars.
Figure 2
The Check Collector
The expansion of transportation facilities after the
War of 1812 saw canals, railroads and shipping lines flourish.
The next check. Figure 2, the final payment for $100,000 of Dela¬
ware & Hudson Canal stock looked ordinary until I noticed and
looked up "John A. Dix" at the local library. With a long and dis¬
tinguished military career, he became Secretary of the Treasury
in 1861% preceding Salmon P. Chase. He telegraphed a Treasury of¬
ficial in New Orleans after the secession of South Carolina to take
possession of a revenue cutter there, ending with the words "If
anyone attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the
spot". This phrase became a popular Northern slogan and appeared
as the legend on a common Civil War token which was commonly avail¬
able when I was a boy. As with other young coin collectors, there
being no coin books available, the word "Dix" in the center of the
token was believed to mean "ten" like the "Dixie" Confederate note,
and sometimes, "two". Now at long last I have learned the rest of
the story!
Following the War of 1812 the United States had a bud¬
ding navy and the U. S. Navy Yard in Brooklyn, New York, was one
of the major bases of the square-rigged naval forces of that period.
Figure 3 is a check of a Naval Paymaster at that Navy Yard. This
interesting check has a receipt form printed on the reverse side.
The Brooklyn Navy Yard has built, repaired and served as a base for
many fighting ships of many wars.
| .................. s<#6
ot tl« dightwntU gUgiwcnt f nfautry II.
\ $Pay to the oide/v oj s. V. kjC4RPENTER, (Pfutlci to the i&ito §tey.
\ $n{- -
{Lorn amount due me.
Company ^ Battalion , 18l4 Reg. Inf. U. S. A.
Wollate; muI deduct
Figure 4
In the Civil War, the Army Sutler was the traveling
Post Exchange for the troops in the field. At that time, items
considered necessaries nowadays could only be purchased from these
Sutlers. Figure 4 is a Warrant to the Army Paymaster authorizing
a pay deduction to settle a soldier's account with his Sutler.
This item is like a bullet found on a battlefield; it was there!
The National Banking Act was passed by Congress in the
early period of the Civil War. The National Banks were to provide
a much needed means to generate funds for carrying on the war .
Thrifty persons altered the bank name on checks to show it was now
a National Bank. Figure 5 is an example of such a check. _
The Check Collector
. Nut i jin air •
Massachusetts Bank. ?
_ Boston, J^ni yt 1-fifi^ )
Pay to the order of J- *T7 f rW _
- — Iua Wr/^. — - — X Dollars
7 ’rK^ro,^TlPs'
No. ^ ./ /.
Figure 5
Figure 6 is a check from a ghost town in the Alaska
Territory. Iditarod, whose name is now best known in the annual
1100 mile Iditarod Dog Sled Race between Anchorage and Nome, was a
town in which the Miners and Merchants Bank and the few other busi¬
nesses operated only "in season", the few summer months when things
thawed out. When the nearby gold deposits were worked out, the
town withered away and now there are no buildings left standings,
Miscellaneous fiscals spice up check collecting.
The item shown in Figure 7 may bring a smile to many college
alumni, especially if from Harvard. Once again, reflecting on
The Check Collector
what such a document would show today, indicates how much things
have changed.
Many collectors have checks of the 19th Century. In
that period when a person could sign a check for some thousands
of dollars, he was generally a person of some prominence or posi¬
tion. He had to be, as this was a considerable sum of money.
Looking up the names on such checks is a fascinating and promising
endeavor as it leads to many surprises. Try it sometime, you will
like it I _
by Charles Kemp
The International Paper Money Show was held June 22
through 24, 1988, in Memphis, Tennessee. It was a great success,
as always, with both collectors and dealers going away happy.
This show is quite important because it serves as a sort
of clearinghouse among dealers, with much trading going on. This
often overlooked feature allows new discoveries to be dispersed
over a much broader area of the country than would be possible
otherwise. The greatest concern of most dealers is* one of replenish¬
ing their stock. The Memphis Show is the best place to do this.
This year saw several new hoards of material coming on the
market, with the last of Amon Carter's material being sold by John
Rowe. While this last group was not as fine an assortment as some of
the earlier ones, it did have many nice items and was especially
strong in revenue stamped material. No doubt, due to this, most of
the group was purchased by Eric Jackson, a prominent dealer in U. S.
revenues. More new finds came out of the Boys Town Sale, with Ken
Elwell ending up with fine new material including some beautiful
proof checks.
Two auctions were held in connection with the show. The
NASCA Sale was heavy in stocks and bonds, with some check lots in¬
cluded. The Hickman-Oakes Sale featured a nice selection of checks,
along with the usual offering of National Currency.
While check dealers continued to complain about the scar¬
city of new material, the stock and bond people were finding it a
bit easier to come by, thanks to some large archive holdings like
the Rock Island and the Penn Central-New York Central material being
made available to the public. Bob Kluge of American Vignettes also
pointed out that much of the NASCA Sale was formed from collections.
It was only a short time ago that there were no collections of this
type material around. Bob considers the fact that we have reached
this point within the hobby to be very significant.
Many Western dealers made the long trip and the prices of
this type of material often reflected its popularity and scarcity.
Among these dealers were: Lynn L^ngdon from Idaho, Stuart Mackenzie
from Montana, and Walt Alcott, John Heleva, Ray Miller and Vern Pot¬
ter, all from California. Alcott reflected that Memphis is the most
important show of the year because it attracts the most serious col¬
lectors. He went on to explain that, if he divided his gross business
at Memphis by the number of customers, their purchases would average
about $400 each, while a local show back home might see a greater
volume but an average sale of only about $14 each. Many collectors
did comment on the high prices, but most felt that it was worthwhile
for the opportunity to add quality pieces to their collections.
To round out the show, a brief business meeting of the
American Society of Check Collectors was held. It is hoped that next
year, a more extensive meeting program can be arranged for our members.
The Check Collector
By Ed Lipson
(Editor's Note: In the following article, Edward N. Lipson has very
kindly shared with our members photos and details of many spectacular
checks bearing imprinted revenue stamps that are in his collection.
His collection contains most of the great rarities of U.S. revenue
stamps. Allowing for the meager reproduction facilities of this jour
nal, restricted to black and white, we may nonetheless view and enjoy
outstanding examples of some of the classic rarities which most of us
have never seen. )
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows a rather scarce and elusive item, a draft
bearing an overprint on the original bank name and a Type#C imprinted
revenue stamp with the restrictive clause "Good only for sight draft"
as a part of the stamp. This draft, with the overprint name, the
stamp with the restrictive clause at its lower left, three beautiful
vignettes and with the draft printed in three colors, is an item wor¬
thy of being noticed.
• H
UK C/3
tz x
{ j O fc
\ i <
{ 8 B *
: - > Sr
* UK z %
i . o
I - o
* -a-, 01
PJo. ///
(Philadelphia, SJoc/^/0^ i8yS
i it It
Pay to i
Figure 2
The Check Collector
Figure 2 is a magnificent example of a check bearing a Type
RN-K8 imprint revenue stamp in a very deep red shade. There is be¬
lieved to be only three known examples of this imprint stamp in this
Figure 2
Figure 3 is a beautiful draft, but here the restrictive im¬
print of the Type C revenue stamp appears to the lower right of the
stamp and not the lower left. This item as a Texas draft, with a love
ly vignette at the left, with a green background and three colors be¬
ing obvious in its overall printing, makes for a very beautiful item. „
Figure 4
Figure 4 is a draft of the National Bank of New England with
a Type D imprint revenue stamp. The large central vignette on the
draft is the same vignette that appears on the broken bank notes of
this bank. I have an example of this draft issued before the bank be¬
came a national bank and where it merely reads "Bank of New England".
Also, another example similar to this where the imprint revenue stamp
is a Type B and not a Type D, and with the word "National" written by
pen in front of the phrase "Bank of New England".
Figure 5 is a check drawn on the National Webster Bank of
3oston. You will note that the revenue stamp is inverted. Any check
with an imprinted revenue on its face or back and upside down is a
scarce item. This particular item is not the scarcest of the inverts.
The Check Collector
10 -
to . .
t December 1st, 1H73>
• or ‘Rearer,
the Treasurer,
Figure 5
but it is quite a scarce item nevertheless. It is part of a group
discovered within the past five years.
Figure 6
Figure 6 is a draft form of the City Bank of Houston, Texas.
Note the overprint "Original" thereon; the printed word "GOLD"; the
vignette of a frontier bank building; the Texas "Lone Star" at the bot¬
tom; and the printer of the draft. Continental Bank Note Co. This item
in unused condition is certainly a very lovely piece*
Figure 7 shows the face of a check of the National Exchange
Bank of Auburn, N.Y. You will note that a printed revenue does not
appear on the face of it. Figure 7-R is the back of the check in Fi¬
gure 7. The revenue stamp is printed on the back and printed upside
down. This is an extreemely rare item from the standpoint of imprint¬
ed revenue material. In fact, there are far less of these than there
are of the regular printed Type 0 which is illustrated later.
The Check Collector
7 1
Figure 1_
Figure 7-R
Figure 8
The face of the check in Figure 8 is printed in red and the
revenue stamp is a Type B in orange. I do think the vignettes are
especially beautiful. „
The check shown in Figure 9 actually has a Type G revenue
stamp imprinted on it and is interesting primarily because of the
The Check Collector
lovely fire engine vignette in red on its left side. There are a num¬
ber of checks with fire engines around but I have never seen another
one like this. Do you know of another one? I think this vignette is
exceptionally beautiful.
. . ■ - — - V. . ,' •
■ v „ BOSTON , Dec. l*t,\X878.:
(f*ay to . .
lap fafe • or ‘Bearer,? <
No.JjtfjZZ. _
-.J •»
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 10-R
The Check Collector
Figure 12
Figure 12 is an ordinary check with a Type D imprint drawn
in Carson, Nevada, I just thought that with the overprinted alteration
of the bank's name, the notations thereon, the large handstamped word
"SILVER" on the check, and considering from where it was issued, that
you would consider this to be a rather interesting item.
1 n Rwiuvr M u tl Wiilum Sil'Y
. Figure 11
A check with a Type D imprint with the restrictive clause
"Good only for sight draft" at the lower left of the imprinted revenue
stamp is shown in Figure 11, In unused condition, this is the first
and only example of this check that I have ever seen. I would be in¬
terested in hearing from any other collectors if they know of any other
unused examples of this particular item.
Figure 10 shows another check on the National Webster Bank
of Boston, You will note there is no revenue stamp on the face of the
check. If you will look at Figure 10— R, you will see that the revenue
stamp is on the back of the check and is inverted. This is an ex-
treemely rare check, far rarer than any Type O, I know of six to eight
Type 0 • s , plus another small group of them. There are at least about
eight examples of the Type O in the hands of active collectors. To my
knowledge, this check of which the revenue stamp is Type M, is the only
one that I know of where the stamp is on the back of the cneck.
1 *
The Check Collector
Figure 13
Included here because it has a vignette and shown in Figure
13, I must say that checks drawn in Utah Territory are quite scarce.
When you obtain one in pristine condition, marked Utah Territory (as
indicated by the "U.T."), a lovely vignette at the left in red, you
have a gorgeous item.
Figure 14
Shown here in Figure 14, this check has a Type D imprint re¬
venue. It seems to have some provision for security. By punching out
the proper numbers in the various little boxes or groups of numbers at
the bottom of the check, it could serve to protect someone from "rais¬
ing" the check in value. It is interesting that without a check pro¬
tector or check printing device around, the ingenuity of that day was
such that they could prepare and protect themselves from having a check
raised. Note the unusual moir* silk patterned background.
A most spectacular item is shown in Figure 15. The entire
check, with the exception of course of the imprinted revenue stamp, is
entirely engraved. You will note that below the year date, there is
an indication of the printer, namely, the Manhattan Engraving Co. It
is also interesting that this check was drawn on the Banking House of
Henry Clews & Co. who were very prominent bankers in New York City.
The Check Collector
Figure 15
Figure 16
; }
[ -T^ eTwaaA dioo ~ 0 S
f' ‘'w-w •-* — ^ S
[ — ';•'- <?**-'*>'“'<. i
■ '’.'-.VI JU>t^T’^f. ■
* Vis- ,'•1 a i >i'i ir->.^ j
Figures 16
the revenue stamp is
Figure 16-R
and 16-R show the front and back of a check where
a Type D, printed on the back and inverted. Here
The Check Collector
is an item that also has an appeal to the collector of match and medi¬
cine stamps. There are to date no other known or reported copies of
this item. I think it is one of the most beautiful items in my collec¬
tion. • . - -
The check in Figure 17 is merely an example of a check with
the Type 0 imprint revenue stamp. This check and the imprint is in
mint condition. It is interesting that the stamp portrays the obverse
and reverse of a type of coin which was very soon thereafter to become
obsolete. I have been advised there have been several queries as to
whether a check bearing a Type 0 imprint revenue stamp in unused con¬
dition does exist. Here it is!
Price lists, catalogs, journals, etc. received since our last issue.
Price list of checks, stocks and bonds, paper money, books, etc.
Illustrated. Oregon Paper Money Exchange, 6802 ,S.W. 33rd PI., Port¬
land, OR 97219
Monthly issue of Collectors Corner Magazine, P.0. Box 1315, Glen¬
dale, AZ 85311-1315. Highlights all collectibles with articles, ads
and articles.
First mail bid sale catalog of Columbus Industries, Inc., 320
So. Wells Ave., Reno, NV 89502. Contains checks, fiscal paper and
miscellaneous banking items. New catologs available about every
three months.
Paper Americana price lists of Rodney & Nancy Battles, P.O. Box
210004, Bedford, TX 76095. Issued four to six times a year. Con¬
tains variety of old bank checks, stock certificates, billheads, and
assorted one-of-a-kind documents and papers. Good illustrations.
Regular auction catalog of H. J. W. Daugherty, P. O. Box 1146,
Eastham, MA 02642. Wide selections of checks, revenue stamps, stocks
and bonds, stamped paper, etc.
Profiles in History-Catalog 1 - from Joseph M. Maddalena, 2049
Century Park East, Suite 5080, Los Angeles, CA 90067. An illustrated
catalog for the autograph collector with well annotated descriptions.
The Counterfoil, quarterly journal of the British Cheque Collec¬
tors Society, June 1988 issue. Fascinating articles on British bank¬
ing and cheque collecting.
Invitation from the 3rd Annual National and World Paper Money Con¬
vention to be held November 10-13 at St. Louis, MO to collectors to
participate in the event as educational exhibitors. John Wilson,
Exhibit Chairman can be contacted at P. 0. Box 27185, Milwaukee, WI
The Check Collector
1 - Checks - General
2 - Checks - U.S.A.
(Region or States
of Special interest)
3 - U.S. Gov't. Checks
4 - Misc. Fiscals:
Bank Drafts
Bills of Exchange
Certificates of Deposit
Promissory Notes
5 - Checks - Great Britain
6 - Checks - Canada
Roland J. Achee (1113)
207 Texas St. , 2nd Fir.
Shreveport, LA 71101
Areas: 2 -Shreveport , LA.
Larry Adams ( 4 )
812)j Story Street
Boone, IA 50036
Areas: All
Joseph J. Adamski (969)
2507 Almar
Jenison, MI 49428
Areas: 1.
Walt Alcott (890)
Box 3037
Quartz Hills, CA 93534
Michael E. Aldrich (1084)
Box 13325
St. Paul, MN 55113
Areas: 1,4,12-Lottery tickets,
Fred Angus (497)
3021 Trafalgar Avenue
Montreal, Quebec
H3Y 1H3 Canada
Efrain Archilla-Diez
P. O. Box C
Humacao, PR 00661
Areas: 1 , 2-PR, 4 , 7-Dan. W. I . ,
Arthur Aron (1048)
10722 John Tusley Pi.
Fairfax, VA 22032
Areas: 20, 25.
7 - Checks - World
(Region or Countries
of Special interest)
8 - Travellers Cheques &
Money Orders
9 - Specimen Checks
10 - Ration Checks
11 - Refund/Rebate Checks
12 - Other:
20 - Vignettes
21 - Autographs
G. W. Aschenbrenner (128)
650 V/. Harrison Ave.
Claremont, CA 91711
Areas: 1,10,20,22,25,
26 and 31.
A1 Babcock (945)
P. O. Box 381901
Miami, FL 33238
Areas: 1 , 2-Western , 3 , 4 , 8 , 10
Dale Baker (1149)
Rte. 6 Box 45
Live Oak, FL 32060
Areas: 1,2,4,7,10,20,31,32.
Leyron Baker (1150)
Rte 6 Box 45
Live Oak, FL 32060
Areas: 1,2,4,7,10,20,31,32.
Robert F. Batchelder (804)
1 West Butler Avenue
Ambler, PA 19002
Areas: 21.
Rodney Battles (758)
413 Fairhaven Drive
Hurst, TX 76054
Areas: 2-Western, 4 , 23 .
William F. Bassett (1081)
P. O. Box 200255
Austin, TX 78720
Areas: 2,4,20,22,30,31.
22 - Railroads, Steamboats,
23 - Banking History
24 - Security Printing &
25 - Check Protectors &
Cancel Devices
26 - Wells Fargo History
30 - Stock & Bond
31 - Revenue Stamped
32 - Emergency Scrip
David M. Beach (789)
P. O. Box 431
Hibbing, MN 55746
Areas: 20,22,23 and 30.
John Bell (1170)
1849 E. Grandview
Phoenix, AZ 85022
Areas: 1,2-AZ esp. terri¬
torial, 4 and 23.
Richard Biemer (816)
RD 2 Box 40
Conneaut Lake, PA 16316
Areas: 1,2,20,23.
William K. Bish (20)
2003 McClaskey Lane
Eureka, CA 95501
Areas: 1,22,23,25,30.
Fred J. Bolhuis (49)
RR 1 Box 129
Aplington, IA 50604
Areas: 1, 2.
Stanwood K. Bolton, Jr (230)
39 Quaboag Road
Acton, MA 01720-2404
Areas: 1.
Herman L. Boraker (156)
P. O. Box 204
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Areas: 1,2,3,4,7,10,11,
12-Panic 1907, Clrg. Hs. Certs,
Cashiers checks.
Garry Braunwarth (419)
Box 17 Site 9 RR5
Calgary, ALBT T2P 2G6
Areas: 1,2-AK,HA,MT, 6,20,
30 and 31.
Earl Brenneman (943)
47 Jefferson St.
Womelsdorf, PA 19567
Areas: 1.
Dale E. Brick (125)
300 W. 4th Avenue
Mitchell, SD 57301
Areas: 2-Ear ly Dakota,
Dentists, 4,23,25
30 and 31
C. P. Brittain (1151)
P. O. Box 415
Cherryville, NC 28021
Areas: 1,2,3,4,7,8,20,23,31.
Neal Brockmeyer (492)
445 Woodfield Road
La Canada, CA 91011
Areas: 1 , 2-CA , NV , AR, 23 , 26 , 30 .
Thomas B. Buda (1140)
442 Caldwell Drive
Wyckoff, NJ 07481
Areas: 1 , 2 , 4 , 12-Manhattan Co
Chase NB, Aaron Burr, 23,24,
William E. Buford (1163)
237 Leland Way
Hanford, CA 93230
Areas: 22 and 31.
Paul J. Calhoun (1135)
3454 Fenton Ave. #2-C
Bronx, NY 10469
Areas: 1 , 2-steamboats , 20 ,
21 and 22.
Lance K. Campbell (1154)
P. O. Box 3118
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
Areas: 5,7-Israel, Czechoslo¬
vakia & Baltic Countries, 21.
Ken Carlson (1123)
Box 1596
Walla Walla, WA 99362
Areas: 1 and 26
Bill Castenholz (973)
105 Hartzell St.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Areas: 31.
Joe Cerwinske (1171)
Box 237
Dallas Center, IA 50063
Olan D. Chiles (902)
12324 Rambling Lane
Bowie, MD 20715
Areas: 4 and 21.
Bob Chow (873)
p. 0. Box 1875
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Areas: 1, 2 -CO.
The Check Collector
Alva Christensen (115)
P. O. Drawer 729
Temple City, CA 91780
Areas: 1.
Columbus Industries (1176)
320 S. Wells
Reno, NV 89502
Robert A. Condo (205)
P. O. Box 985
Venice, FL 34284-0985
Areas: 1,21,25,31.
Tom Conklin (1022)
P. O. Box 440
Rutherford, NJ 07070-0440
Areas: 2-NY Nat. Banks, 4, 23.
Jon C. Cook (238)
P. 0. Box 6363
Holliston, MA 01746
George Courtesis (617)
915 Kinnard Ave.
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Areas: 1, 10, 30.
J. T. Cottrell, Jr. (1159)
17 Mattapoisett Avenue
Swansea, MA 02777
Areas: 31.
Norman A. Cox (849)
18 Evergreen Way
Belmont, MA 02178
Areas: 1,2-New England, 20,
21,30 and 31.
Grover Criswell (68)
Rte. 3 Box 1085
Fort McCoy, FL 32637
Areas: 1,2-Early FL & western
21,25,30-bonds, 31.
Mariano C. Cuba (1104)
8823 Old Harford Road
Baltimore, MD 21234
Areas: 1,12-Unusual titles,
21 and30
Jack Curry ( 791 )
P. O. Box 7395
Jersey City, NJ 07307
Areas: 1,21,22,30,31
Hugh J. W. Daugherty (1087)
P. O. Box 1146
Eastham, MA 02642
Areas: 1,2-Cape Cod, 30 and 31
W. R. De Kay, Jr. (331)
P. O. Box 23348
Louisville, KY 40223
Areas: 31.
Anthony J. DeVincent (1001)
1463 Blue Bell Road
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Areas: 1,3,4,20,30 and 31.
James W. Dickerson (1005)
3579 Mather Field Rd.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Areas: 2 and 31.
John W. Doble (1138)
P. O. Box 118
Rexford, MT 59930
Carolyn F. Doran (1095)
125 Spiral Road
Holtsville , NY 11742
Areas: 1,4,23,24,26.
Preston Driggers (895)
209 Berthoud Way
Golden, CO 80401
Areas: 30.
Fred Drost (819)
110 Ridgefield St.
Meriden, CT 06450
Areas: 2-CT, 5,6,7,20,
23,26 and 30.
Roger H. Durand (1105)
P. O. Box 186
Rehoboth, MA 02769
Areas: 12-Territorial,
20,23 and 25
David Eakin (977)
823 S. Illinois Avenue
Carbondale, IL 62901
Areas: 1,4,30 and 31.
Joseph Einstein (208)
10100 Peach Parkway
Skokie, IL 60076
Areas: 31.
Raymond E. Ekeblad (80)
19 Edwards Lane
Glen Cove, NY 11542
Areas: 2-NY City, 12-Rail¬
roads, 21.
Thomas S. Elsroth (1181)
19 Tulip Road
Mahopac, NY 10541
Areas: 2-NY , NJ ,NC ,SC, 3 ,4 ,
12-World Fairs &
Expos Checks , 20 , 21 ,
24,26 and 31.
H. N. Elston (1178)
P. O. Box 1147
N. Windham, ME 04062
Areas: 1, 3 ,4,8, 12-ME re¬
lated tokens, me¬
dals ,exonumia, 10,
21,30,31 and 32.
The Check Collector
Kenneth C. Elwell (733)
Kennebunk Coin & Currency
56 York St., Route 1
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Areas: 1,4,9,20,23,30,31.
Dale Ennis (983)
P. O. Box 14
Coalgate, OK 74538
Areas: 1, 4.
Dr. Rex W. Estes (1117)
1409 Gannon Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
Areas: 1, 12-lottery tickets.
Craig A. Engel . (1186)
P. O. Box 108
Arnold, CA 95223
Areas: 2 -Western, 22 , 31
H. A. L. Facchina (361)
7013 Arbor Lane
McLean, VA 22101
Areas: 1 and 31.
Lawrence Falater (226)
Box 81
Allen, MI 49227
Areas: 1,2-MI esp. Detroit,
21 and 31.
Paul J. Fasser, Jr. (881)
2309 Concert Ct., Rte. 11
Vienna, VA 22180
Areas: 31.
Werner J. Feiter (1175)
163 Pine Brook Road
Montville, NJ 07045
Areas: 1, 21-signatures of
the famous.
Cris P. Fiebelkorn (1162)
Box 5066
Gillette, WY 82716
Areas: All areas & countries.
Jeane Flaig (13)
1652 Pinebluff Lane
Cincinnati, OH 45255
Areas: 2-Cincinnati pre-1900,
20 and 22.
Dale L. Flesher (732)
130 Lakeway Drive
Oxford, MS 38655
Areas: 2-IN, MS, -10,20,
.21,22,24,25 and 30.
Trey Foerster (739)
230 Birch Drive
Iola , WI 54945
Areas: 2-WI , 7 , 8 , 20-Monarch of
the Glen, and 32.
Herbert J. Friedman (37)
Apt. 241
3701 Connecticut Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
Areas: 2-Pre-Civil War, 10,
23 and 31.
Joseph P. Gaffney (1177)
24 Eldona Ave.
Falmouth, MA 02540
Areas: 2,3,4,7,8,9,20,22,
24,26,30 and 31.
George R. Ganter (1153)
580 E; St. Andrews Drive
Media, PA 19063-5804
Areas: 1,2-PA & checks
signed by Philau
Dept. Store Found¬
ers, 21.
Martin Garf inkle (1152)
1935 Franklin, #304
San Francisco, CA 94109
Areas: 1 , 2-CO, ID , MT , SD & AZ,
3,4,22,23 and 26.
Joseph Garsick (1158)
8-C Maine Court
Matawan, NJ 07747
Areas: 1,4,20,22,30,31,32,
all items with imprint
revenue stamps.
Gene R. Gauthier (1111)
P. 0. Box 2548
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Areas: 2,4,20,22,30 and 31.
Wayne Gebhardt (980)
6 Wendell St,
Lawrence, MA 01841
Areas: 1 , 11 , 12-Masonic , 22 , 30.
Charley Geiger (1060)
14710 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107
Areas: 2-OH, Vermillion &
Lakewood, 30-OH, 31,32-
OH Depression scrip.
Lt .Col . B. A. Gill, (Retd) (1147)
Box 381
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Areas: 23.
Douglas J. Gorga (1124)
870 Jon Lane
Endwell, NY 13760
Areas: 2-Upstate NY, 30.
Charles L. Gould (1155)
4535 86th St. Ct. W.
Bradenton, FL 34210
Areas: 1 , 2-South , West & CSA,
3,4,20,24,31 and 32.
Robert J. Gould (674)
2209 Scott Street
Rock Falls, IL 61071
James L. Gray (1078)
P. O. Box 761
Greenville, NC 27835
Robert A. Greenawalt (243)
9239 De Adalena St.
Rosemead, CA 91770
Areas: 22-stocks and bonds
only, 30.
Shirley L. Greiman (1169)
RR 3, Box 30
Garner, IA 50438
Carling Gresham (1120)
P. 0. Drawer 580
Pomona Park, FL 32081
Areas: 2-FL pre-1845 , 23 , 30.
Ron Haglund (486)
25421 Boone Place
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
Areas: 1,4,8,9,10,20,21,22,
23,24,26,30 and 31.
Mark J. Haley (487)
Rt 1 Box 179
Waseca, MN 56093
Areas: 1 , 2-MN , IA,ND,SD,
6,7,20 and 24.
Robert E. Hall, Jr., (755)
Box 307
Frankfort, IN 46041
Areas: 21-Checks signed by
US Presidents.
Kenneth L. Hallenbeck (105)
619 N-» Nevada Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Areas: 2-CO, western mining.
Robert W. Hearn (697)
p. O. Box 233
Hackensack, NJ 07602
Areas: 2-NJ, 12-NJ Nat. Banks
all items, 23 and 30
William C. Henderson (119)
1229 N. Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Areas: 2-CO, 20 , 21 , 23 , 30-CO
Barry Hepsley (869)
P. O. Box 455
Crockett, CA 94525
Areas: 2-Territorials,
30- Territorials ,
31 - Territorials .
The Check Collector
Howard W. Herz (974)
P. O. Box 1000
Minden, NV 89423
Areas: 2-NV.
John E. Herzog (304)
R. M. Smythe & Co., Inc.
26 Broadway, Suite 271
New York, NY 10004
Areas: 20,21,22,30 and 31.
Vincent Hilker (1121)
P. O. Box 1298
Hollywood, FL 33022
Areas: 1, 4 and 31.
Henry Hinck (920)
10800 Lakeview Drive
Hayden Lake, ID 83835
Areas: 22, 26 and 30.
Armin Hof sommer (1182)
Box 28335
San Jose, CA 95159
Areas: 1 and 21.
James W. Hogg (686)
6672 Estero Blvd.
Fort Meyers Beach, FL 33931
Areas: 1 and 2.
Wayne K. Homren (1101)
1810 Antietam St_
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Areas: 2-Pittsburgh , PA
and 32.
Richard T. Hoober (196)
Box 196
Newfoundland, PA 18445
Areas: 1.
Ronald Horstman (43)
Rte . 2
Gerald, MO 63037
Areas: 1,2-St. Louis, MO,
4,23,24,30 and 32.
George Hosek (834)
7411 Idledale Lane
Omaha, NE 68112
Areas: 1,2-NE, 12-Military
Paul R. Hunter (1072)
P. O. Box 398
Greensburg, KS 67054
Areas: 1,2-KS & Indian Terr.
N. J. Hynson (988)
3152 Edgewood Road
Ellicott City, MD 21043
Areas: 1,4,20,22,26,30,31.
David Hudson (824)
Louis Hudson Rare Coins
500-G East Cornwallis
Greensboro, NC 27405
Lauren Iseki (923)
3705 Woodcreek Lane
San Jose, CA 95117
Areas: 2-CA, 4 , 10 , 20 , 21 , 23 ,
26 and 32.
Eric Jackson (867)
P. O. Box 728
Leesport, PA 19533
Areas: 2,4,20,21,22,23,26,
30,31 and 32_
Kris Jacobs (676)
18 E. Orlando Court
Chula Vista, CA 92011
Areas: 1,20,21,22,30.
David M. Johns (1109)
27 Glenmore Road
Pueblo, CO 81001
Areas: 1,3,20,22,31
H. R. Johnson, Sr. (1179)
4279 Garand Lane
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Areas: 2-FL, OH, Eastern US,
22,26 and 31.
William J. Johnson (801)
109 Green Street
Pontiac, MI 48053
Areas: 1.
William G. Kanowsky (1183)
1533 Savannah Drive
Evansville, IN 47715
Areas; 2 , 5 , 6 , 7-Scotland ,
8,9,10 and 30.
M. S. Kazanjian (1145)
25 King Philip Avenue
Barrington, RI 02806
Areas: 1,2-New England, 4
and 20.
Charles V. Kemp (499)
2075 Nicholas Court
Warren, MI 48092
Areas: 1 , 3 , 4 , 12-Pre-1900
Western and Colonial fiscal
paper, 20,21,22,23,26,30,31.
Don Ketterling (906)
16764 Ventura Blvd.
Encino, CA 91436
Areas: 2-Western Territorial
20,21,22,23 and 26.
Ruth A. Knott (1110)
c/o Yesterday's Paper
P. O. Box 7310
Federal Way, WA 98003
Areas: 20,22 and 26.
Bob Korosec (960)
8307 W. Becher St.
West Allis,, WI 53219
Areas: 2-Milwaukee WI area,
and 4.
Guy C. Kraus (1156)
P. O. Box 773283
Houston, TX 77215
Areas: 2-Mississippi .
Joe Kraus (1102)
P. O. Box 55328
Stockton, CA 95205
Areas: 12-Mormon, and 21.
William Kremper (1050)
P. O. Box 693
Bartow, FL 33830
Areas: 31.
F. L. Kretschmar (1047)
7327 E. 76th St.
Tulsa, OK 74133
Areas: 2,4,12,20,21,22,23,
24,25,26,30 and 31.
Steve Krulik (1168)
c/o S.H. Jemick
P. O. Box 753
Bowie, MD 20715
Areas: All areas.
Matt Krzastek (871)
P. O. Box 398
Hillsboro, NH 03244
Areas: 1 and 31.
Edward Kuszmar (442)
Florida Coin & Currency
1739 N.W. Second Ave.
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Philip B. Lamb (1160)
P. 0. Box 15782
New Orleans, LA 70175
Areas, 1,2-Southern US, 20, 22
Walter Lamkin (939)
419 Morton Street
Greensburg, KS 67054
Areas: 1.
The Check Collector
2 1
Coleman A. Leifer (903)
Apt. 902
10201 Grosvenor Place
Rockville, MD 20852
Areas: 2,20,22,26,30 and 31.
Donald J. Levis (1052)
106 LeRoy Street
Binghamton, NY 13905
Areas: 2 and 31.
Edward N. Lipson (1119)
46 Appletree Lane
North Haven, CT 06473
Areas: 31.
Edward G. Little (1184)
4815 W. Clearwater #114
Kennewick, WA 99336
Areas: 1,5,6,8,9,11,13 & 22.
Dennis Luck (1139)
Box 5376
Akron, OH 44313
Areas: 1,2,4,20,23,24 and 30.
Ray Lyles (1133)
2088 Edgewood Drive
Lakeland, FL 33803
Areas: 1,2,3,4,8,20,21,22,23,
26,30,31 and 32.
Stuart C. MacKenzie (975)
P. 0. Box 248
Chinook, MT 59523
Areas: 2-All MT paper.
J. M. Maddalena (1125)
c/o Profiles in History
2049 Century Park E. #5080
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Areas: 1-all financial docs.
Michael Mahler (480)
1725 The Promenade #204
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Areas: 1,20,21,22 and 31.
Paul G. Markison (228)
421 Sonora Drive
San Mateo, CA 94402
Areas: 1 , 2-Western , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ,
8,22,26,30 and 31.
Lawrence C. Marsh (904)
2834 Downing Avenue, Apt A2
Jacksonville, FL 33205
Areas: 1,2 and 30.
Ian A. Marshall (942)
P. O. Box 1075
Adelaide St. P. O.
Toronto, Ontario
M5C 2K5 Canada-
Areas: 6,23 and 30.
Gary Martin (868)
20617 Archwood St.
Canoga Park, CA 91306
Areas: 12-misc. documents from
17th, 18th & 19 centuries,
22 and 30.
Douglas McDonald (840)
P. 0. Box 20443
Reno, NV 89515
Areas: 2-NV & OR, 4,23,25,
26,30 and 31.
Dr. John T. McHale (1180)
725 18th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Areas: 1,8,9,11,13,14,16,
18 and 23.
Gordon McHenry (493)
P. O. Box 117
Osprey, FL 33229
Areas: 1,22,23,24,26,
30,31 and 32.
P. McMahon (1173)
National Librarian
DeLuxe Check Printers
1080 W. County Rd. F.
St. Paul, MN 55126-8201
Areas: 1 and 21.
P. C. McMichen (1122)
P. O. Box 414862
Miami Beach, FL 33141
Areas: 1,21,22 and 23.
Dale A. McNee (961)
P. O. Box 926
Pendleton, OR 97801
Areas: 2-AK,0R, ID, WA,
4,22,25 and 30
John Means (1098)
8908A Fourth Street, North
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Areas: 1 , 2-FL, 12-Lottery Tic-
kets, 20, 21, 23, 26, 30, 31, 32.
Dennis R. Mellinger (1167)
813 New Street
Akron, PA 17501
Areas: 2-PA.
Paul G. Mench (200)
33166 Maplenut
Farmington, MI 48024
Areas: 1,2,3,20,22,23,30,31.
Marvin Mikeska (337)
P. O. Box 26
Longview, TX 75606
Areas: 2-TX, 7-German In¬
flation of 1922-23,
21,22,30 and 31.
Michael Miller (140)
610 Running Pump Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
Areas: 1,2-PA, 21 and 31.
Ray A. Miller (809)
P. O. Box 4189
Lancaster, CA 93539
Areas: 1,2-Western States &
Terrs. ,3,4,9,20,21,22,
23,26,30,31 and 32.
Max Mizel (911)
P. O. Box 1492
Delray Beach, FL 33447
Areas: 2-US pre-1884 with
vignettes, 21 and 26.
Sanford J. Mock (762)
513 North Linden Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Areas: 30 and 32.
Barbara R. Mueller (15)
225 S. Fischer Avenue
Jefferson, WI 53549
Areas: 20,24 and 31.
Dave Mullins (1141)
P. O. Box 17571
Nashville, TN 37217
Areas: 2-TN
Judith Murphy (949)
P. O. Box 15091
Atlanta, GA 30333
Areas: 1,2-GA,NC,MA and 23.
Dick Naven (1106)
6802 S.W. 33rd Place
Portland, OR 97219
Suzanne A. Naven (1039)
c/o Oregon Paper Money Exch.
6802 S.W. 33rd Place
Portland, OR 97219
Areas: 1,3,4,22,30 and 32.
C. M. Neilsen (89)
P. O. Box 21005
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Areas: 8, 10 and 32.
John Nicholson (1116)
P. O. Box 519
Prineville, OR 97754
Areas: 3,4,22,25-Western.
David Niem^yer (1035)
345 E. Auburn Way
Claremont, CA 91711
Areas: 2-Western & Territor¬
ial and 20.
The Check Collector
Kenneth W. Nims (280)
P. O. Box 2
Greenfield, MA 01302
Areas: 30.
James E. Noll (630)
P. O. Box 3410
Escondido, CA 92025
Areas: 5,8,12-Postal Notes &
Money Orders, DACS System cks_
World Reply Coupons.
Ken Nobles (1132)
P. O. Box 1053
McAlester, OK 74502
Areas: 2-OK, Indian Terr. &
Oklahoma Terr.
Harold D. Ober (1172)
Box 242
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Areas: 21, 22-Railroads, 26,
30, 31 and 32.
Gary K. Olsen (35)
505 S. Royal Avenue
Front Royal, VA 22630
Areas: 12-Credit cards (Ex¬
pired) .
Dr. Walt Ostromecki (1146)
Box 4159
Panorama City, CA 91412
Areas: 1 , 10-autographs , 12-
debit/credit cards, 21.
Kazuma Oyama (1136)
38 Lauone Loop
Wahiawa, HA 96786
Areas: 2-Hawaii , 11 , 20 and 22.
Robert T. Page (723)
P. O. Box 70046
Eugene, OR 97401
Areas: 1, 2-Western, 4 , 9 , 20 , 21
22,30,31 and 32.
Raymond C. Parker (1134)
4913 133rd Street
Hawthorne, CA 90250
John T. Paslawsky (909)
583 Ord Drive
Boulder, CO 80303
Areas: 2-Western, 6,8,12-
counter cks.,and 30.
Robert A. Patetta (1075)
P. O. Box 640
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222
Areas: 1,2-OH & NJ, 4/
20,21 and 31.
Roger Patterson (318)
870 East Avenue N.E.
Bemidji, MI 56601
Areas: 1, 2-West , South, WI,
Malone County, NY, 20, 21,
30 and 31.
Richard M. Pedersen (1157)
346 St. Joseph Street
Green Bay, WI 54301
Areas: 1 and 2.
Paul R. Peel (65)
3041 Country Club Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Areas: 1,4,9,20,21,22,23,24,
M. Clay Perdue (198)
4428 Fluvanna Avenue
Richmond, VA 23234
Areas: 1,2,12-Scrip & Sutler
Items, 30..
Joe Perry (1126)
6791 Park Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92645
Areas: 1,2,3,4,8,10,20,21,
22 and 26.
Lawrence H. Peterson (1185)
P. O. Box 949
Lotus, CA 95651
Lewis A. Peterson (1093)
164 East 5900 South
Murray, UT 84107
Areas: 2-UT, 20,23 and 31.
Roy Peterson (430)
P. O. Box 293
El Segundo, CA 90245
Areas: 1 , 2-Western , 4 , 20 , 22 ,
24,26,30 and 31.
Fred Pitkof (813)
852 Kallas Court
Valley Stream, NY 11580
Areas: 1.
Lee E. Poleske (833)
Box 871
Seward, AK 99664
Areas: 10,31.
Vern Potter (958)
P. O. Box 10040
Torrance, CA 90505-0740
Areas: 1,2-Western & Territor¬
ial , 4 , 9 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ,
26,30,31 and 32.
Ken Prag (40)
P. O. Box 531
Burlingame, CA 94011
Areas: 30.
Earl H. Priddis (1065)
RT 1 Box 95C
Cove, OR 97824
Areas: 2-Western & OR, 22, 30.
K. Clifford Priest (658)
P. O. Box 209
Forest Park, IL 60130
Areas: 2-New England, 22 , 30.
Robert Pyne (752)
P. O. Box 149064
Orlando, FL 32814
Areas: 1 , 25-FL ,TN , AR, and 32.
Roy Ralston (1144)
P. O. Box 490024
Miami, FL 33149
Areas: 1 , 2-USA , 4 , 20 , 22 , 24 ,
26,30,31 and 32.
Raymond H. Rathjen (12)
5815 Walnut Drive
Eureka, CA 95501
Areas: 2, 6, 12-watermarks,
and 24.
Beate Rauch (932)
P. O. Box 2138
Terminal Station
Los Angeles, CA 90051
Areas: 7,12-World Banknotes.
Ira Rezak, M.D. (25)
Box 660
Stony Brook, NY 11790
Areas: 1, 7-worldwide & East¬
ern Europe.
Herbert D. Rice (1038)
Apt. 2317
3883 Turtle Creek Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75219
Areas: 2, 7-Japan, Korea.
Pete Richards (1143)
338 "G" Street #B
Davis, CA 95616
Areas: 1,2-Western US, No.CA
& NV, 22,26 and 30.
Robert Richards (69)
2516 Talbot Road
Baltimore, MD 21216
Areas: 1, 21 and 31.
Roland Rivet (1066)
P. 0. Box 7242
Cumberland, RI 02864
Areas: 1,2-RI,4,8,23 and 32.
The Check Collector
Thomas P. Rockwell (1128)
P. O. Box 512
North Andover, MA 01845
Areas: 12-Checks with textile
theme .
Charles T. Rodgers (82)
P. O. Box 4572"
Lakewood, CA 90711
Areas: 2— Western states.
Jerry R. Roughton (695)
P, 0, Box 831
Kenansville, NC 28349
Areas: 2-NC,4-NC,10-NC,
23-NC , 32-NC.
John R, Rowe, III (1112)
Suite 650
6301 Gaston Avenue
Dallas, TX 75214
Areas: 2-TX, 4-All early TX
Brenda Rowland (935)
805 Wilson Avenue
Leesburg, FL 32748
Areas : 2-TX
Arlene Samford (488)
P. 0, Box 1164
Cherokee, NC 28719
Areas: 1 and 2,
Alexander Santow (810)
1318 Gravesend Neck Road
Brooklyn, NY 11229
Areas: 1,21,22,23 and 30,
Robert Scheiperpeter (1099)
14800 Sunset Blvd,
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Herbert Schingoethe (258)
156 S, Western Ave,
Aurora, IL 60506
G, A. Schmidtraann (55)
2346 Naples Avenue
Mentone, CA 92359-9635
Areas: 2-NV, 30 and 31,
David Schneider (463)
2268 Lancashire Cove
Germantown, IN 38138
Areas : 12-Insurance company
checks .
Dennis Schock (788)
1923 Hartley St,
Lincoln, NE 68521
Areas; 1,2-NE & Lincoln NE ,
3,4,8,23,31 and 32.
E, D, Schoenberger (1127)
409 S, Bay
Greensburg, KS 67054
Areas: 2-KS.
- «
Hugh Schull (1174)
P. O. Box 712
Leesville, SC 29070
Areas: 1,4,23,30,31 and 32.
Ed Schuman (884)
13245 Coronado Drive
North Miami, FL 33181
Areas: 2-Jewish bankers, 12-
Judaica documents, 23.
Lloyd A. Scott, Jr. (1148)
P. O. Drawer 1729
Bartow, FL 33830
Areas: 1, 2-FL, 3 ,4, 21 , 22 , 30, 32.
Austin M. Sheheen, Jr. (474)
P. O. Box 428
Camden, SC 29020
Areas: 2-SC.
Thomas Sheridan (1137)
P. O. Box 30576
Long Beach, CA 90853
Areas: 1,2-Western US, 4, 2 1,26.
V. T. Short (562)
C/o Cinderella Stamp Club
Hunters Lodge, Cottesmore Rd.
Ashwell, Oakham
Leicestershire LE15 7LJ
Brian A. Silsbee (1129)
RR#2 Box 196
Ashkum, IL 60911
Areas: 1,2-So.Amer. 1800's, 3,
4,8,22,30 and 32.
Milton Singer (1103)
2 Filley Street
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Areas: 1,4,12-CT Fiscals,
22 and 30.
David Smith (1165)
607 Main Street
Ouray, CO 81427
Areas: 2-CO and 26.
Richard M. Smith (259)
24 S. Claremont St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Areas: 2-CO,NV,NM, and 26.
Samuel S. Smith (18)
12375 S.W. 64 Avenue
Miami, FL 33156
Areas: 1 & 31.
Gary Snover (1107)
P. O. Box 3034
San Bernardino, CA 92413
Areas: 2-World, 8-World, 24.
Neil Sowards (292)
548 Home Avenue
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Areas: 1 , 2-IN , OH, 20 , 22 , 30 , 31 .
Helen M. Spence (950)
P. O. Box 69
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Areas: 1 and 20
Robert A. Spence (746)
P. O. Box 69
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Areas: 1,2-FL & MA,4 5
N. J. Stachura (302)
P. O. Box 31005
Chicago, IL 60631
Areas: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7-India
pre-1900 ,8,21,22,23,24,
26,30,31 and 32.
News & Periodicals Unib
State Historical Society
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706-1482
Walter Stefanacci (843)
91 McArthur Drive
Clifton, NJ 07013
Areas: 2-NJ , 3 , 10 , 20 , 21and 22.
James F. Stone (97)
P. O. Box 89
Milford, NH 03055
Areas: 2-NH & MA,4,20,
23,24 and 30.
R. E. Stoner (1142)
Suite 506
120 Sr. Pierre Drive
Towson, MD 21204
Areas: 2-East Coast, 20, 22
Ruth Stump (1164)
1495 Salem Avenue
Akron, OH 44306
Areas: 1, 3 and 4.
William H. Stump (887)
150 S. Atlantic Drive E.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Areas: 1.
Max Studley (866)
7887 N. La Cholla, #2160
Tucson, AZ 85741
Areas: 1,4,7-Pacific Islands
and Arabic countries, 20,
22,24,30,31 and 32.
M. J. Sullivan (1115)
376 Provident
Winnetka, IL 60093
Areas: 23.
P. R. Sweeney (763)
Security Bank & Trust Co.
P. O. Box 1200
Vincennes, IN 47591
Areas: 1 , 2-IN , 8 , 9-Travel¬
lers , 11 , 12 -Coun¬
ter cks. not is¬
sued ,20,23,25,
30 and 31.
The Check Collector
Malcolm C. Thompson (99)
5207 Tholozan Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63109
Mike W. Thompson (1166)
1487 Mt. Lebanon Road
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Areas: 2-South & Southwest,
Donald T. Thrall (144)
610 Arlington Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94707
Areas: 1,2-CA & West, 3,4,
Charles R. Travis (964)
P. O. Box 3398
Vallejo, CA 94590
Areas: 1 , 12-Hawaii , 24 , 30 .
John w. Watts (1118)
P. O. Box 2955
Danbury, CT 06813
Areas: 8-money orders only
12-US postal notes
John E. Weaver (2)
644 Knollwood Drive
Woodland, CA 95695
Areas: 2-pre-1861, 23, 24.
Harmon M. Weeks (83)
P. O. Box 623
New Rockford, ND 58356
Areas: 1,2-Western ND SD
Arnold Weiss (326)
980 S. Granville Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Areas: 1,20,21 and 30.
Rich Worth (850)
21 Palm Beach Way
Antioch, CA 94509
Areas: 1 , 2-MD, 3 , 4 , 22 , 32 .
Raymond E. Whyborn (631)
411 W. Reiman
Seymour, TX 76380
Areas: 1 , 2 , 3 , 7-CEran , Mo¬
rocco & Saudi
Arabia, 10 ,11,30.
Robert Yanosey (947)
11 Sussex Court
Edison, NJ 08820
Areas: 22 and 30.
Michael S. Turrini (792)
205 Alvarado Avenue
Vallejo, CA 94590
Areas: 1,2-CA, 10,21,22,
23,24 and 30.
George M. Tuttle (1051)
4030 Cochise Terrace
Sarasota, FL 34233
Areas: 1,4-with vignettes
20 and 30.
Jack M. Vorhies (381)
399 N. Madison Avenue
Greenwood, IN 46142
Areas: 1,2-IN & KY, 3,4,9
20,21, 22-pre-1920 ,
23.24 and 31.
William R. Weiss (1092)
900 W. Market St., Apt 102
Akron, OH 44313
Areas: 1, 23 and 25.
Raymond Werner (73)
57 Hickory Hollow Road
Leesburg, FL 32788
Areas: 1,2,4,8,9,10,11,20,
21,22,23,25 and 26.
Barry Wexler (993)
c/o Numisvalu Inc.
P. O. Box 84
Nanuet, NY 10954
Areas: 1,2,3,4,9,22,24,25,
30,31 and 32.
Steven K. Whitfield (386)
1106 Sterling Drive
Papillion, NE 68046
Areas: 2-KS, RI & NE, 23.
Harry J. Williams (157)
Warwick Associates
91 Sprague Avenue
Warwick, RI 02889
Areas: 1, 7 and 30
John W. Wilson (883)
P. O. Box 27185
Milwaukee, WI 27185
Areas: 1 , 2-WI , 4 , 20, 21 , 22 , 23
24,30.31 and 32.
Matt J. Zagar (1108)
501 High Drive
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Arlin Zingg (74)
RT 1 Box 64
Leland, IA 50453
Areas: 1 , 2-IA, Winnebago Cty
British Cheque
Collectors Society
c/o John Purser
71 Mile Lane
Cheylesmore, Coventry
CV3 5GB England
Sociedade des Colecionadores
de Cheques
Caixa Postal 613
CEP 58,001 - JoJTo Pessoa
PB - Brazil
Checks - General 7
Checks - U.S.A.
(Region or States
of Special interest) 8
U.S. Gov't. Checks
Misc. Fiscals:
Bank Drafts 10
Bills of Exchange
Certificates of Deposit
Promissory Notes 12
Receipts 20
Checks - Great Britain 21
Checks - Canada
- Checks - World
(Region or Countries
of Special interest)
- Travellers Cheques &
Money Orders
- Specimen Checks
- Ration Checks
- Refund/Rebate Checks
- Other:
- Vignettes
- Autographs
22 - Railroads, Steamboats,
23 - Banking History
24 - Security Printing &
25 - Check Protectors &
Cancel Devices
26 - Wells Fargo History
30 - Stock & Bond
31 - Revenue Stamped
32 - Emergency Scrip
The Check Collector
-- ■■!■■■■■ ■■■■'■'■ * ■■ ■ ' ■ I — ~ ■
A column of questions and answers from our readers.
Reply to #14 (in TCC #6):
Ron Horstman sent in a copy of the same Post Office Transfer
Draft but for ten cents, dated June 4, 1894, and payable to the "L" P.
M. at Nursery, Mo., which is no longer shown on Missouri maps. It was
the only one he had seen until Herman Boraker submitted his copy.
Reference to the article in TCC #6 by Charles Kemp and Mike Mahler on
the 2g check tax of 1862-63 by Ron Horstman. He has the following
check of December 28, 1863 for $20 without a revenue stamp.
you _
- . yA/// //• Ah .
$ ^ ^ ^/h£T~
Ahc/^ MJ
rrrcn *• Wkiu.siprrt
^^AAAlAc^C^A f £</
#15 - Ron Horstman submits what appears to be a draft and is marked as
a check. The protective numbering on the border was not used. Were
these items punched or ink marked? Has anyone ever seen another like
this from St. Louis?
#16 - william Johnson submits submits a copy of a New Mexico check that
has interest appeal. In addition to the vignette on the face of the
check, the back sports a vignette that includes a whole Chevy model
year of cars as well as the radiator emblem. He asks: Aside from the
Pleasant Valley Wine Co. of New York checks which show a champagne
bottle on the back, are there any other checks with vignettes printed
on the back? (Illustrations on following page).
#17 - Richard Biemer sent in this check as an example of the use of
an armed services banking service. He has seen two examples, both
from the same person and both dated 1929. They are not numbered.
The check color is black on tan. Quite possibly other military in¬
stallations sponsored their own banks. In such cases the service
must have been limited to base facilities or stores and consequently
The Check Collector
The Check Collector
William Stump submits the following sight draft to Ladd &
Tilton of Portland, Oregon and inscribed "Iron Compy." The Ladd &
Tilton Bank was the first bank in Oregon, established in 1865. Many
do not know that in early Oregon history, there were several attempts
to mine, refine and process iron ore found in what is now a suburb of
Portland, Oregon. A number of iron companies existed, among which was
the Oregon Iron Co., incorporated in 1865. A smelter was constructed
in 1865-66 and a Mr. Wilbur of Connecticut, whose name is on the sight
draft, was in charge of construction.
Another interesting Florida item submitted by William Stump
is this Key West bill of exchange of 1875 payable to A.F. & C. Tift.
The Tifts, from New England, established their business in Key West in
the 1820's. By the 1880's, they had amassed considerable holdings and
their warehouses stored salvage goods, ships stores, coal, feed and
even an icehouse filled with blocks of ice brought down from Maine. The
chief enterprise of Key West at that time however, was wrecking. The.
Tifts were among the warehouse owners who stored and auctioned goods
under control of the Federal District Court for which services they
obtained various fees and commissions.
The eastern coast of Florida was long, dangerous and full
of shoals and wrecks were frequent. A string of "houses of refuge"
for shipwrecked seamen were built along the coast and served until
the advent of the coastal railroads.
The Check Collector
The Check Collector
take a third look
by Lee Poleske
In the September 1987 issue of The Check Collector there
appeared an article I had written called "Always Take a Second Look".
The point of the article was that what at first appeared to be a 1881
New York check of no interest to a collector of Alaskana, turned out
to be of great interest since it was-.made out to and endorsed by A. P.
Swineford, who three years later became the second governor of the
District of Alaska. Soon after the article appeared, I received a
letter from ASCC member Robert Richards of Baltimore, Maryland, whose
main collecting interest is mining company checks and stocks. He
brought to my attention another connection between the check which
was the subject of the article, an Iron Cliffs Company check on the
Third National Bank of New York, and Alaska.
The Iron1 Cliffs Company was one of the early iron mining
concerns in the Lake Superior region. A Vice President of the com¬
pany was Major Thomas Benton Brooks, an eminent mining engineer and
geologist. Mr. Richards was kind enough to send me an Iron Cliffs
Company draft, shown above, signed by Major Brooks, who was the father
of Alfred H. Brooks.
Alfred H. Brooks (1871-1924) served as head of the Alaska
section of the U.S. Geological Survey from 1903-1923. The government
published his "Geology and Geography of Alaska" in 1906. Brooks wrote
summaries of Alaska's mineral industries every year he was head of the
Alaska Section, except in 1917-18, when he was geologist for the U.S.
Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War I.
A series of essays on Alaska's history, which he wrote be¬
tween 1914 and 1923 were published by the University of Alaska and the
Arctic Institute of North America in 1953 under the title "Blazing
Alaska's Trails".
The Brooks Range in Northern Alaska is named in his honor
as is the School of Mines Building at the University of Alaska.
If I had not sent the original article in to "The Check
Collector" for publication, I might never have learned of this con¬
nection between the Iron Cliffs Company and Alaska. I hope this en¬
courages others to send in articles for publication, for by sharing
our knowledge we can gain more knowledge in return from our fellow
ASCC members. The incident also shows the willingness of members to
share their knowledge with others, which is one of the reasons our
hobby is so enjoyable and satisfying. In addition, it shows the impor¬
tance of "The Check Collector" as a means of communication among check
collectors .
The Check Collector
P . McMahon
National Librarian
DeLuxe Check Printers
1080 W. County Rd. F.
St. Paul, MN 55126-8201
Areas: 1 and 16.
(By Bob Spence)
Hugh Schull (Collector-Dlr )
P. O. Box- 712
Leesville , SC 29070
Areas: 1,4,23,30,31 & 32.
(By Charlie Gould)
Werner J. Feiter (Coll-Dlr)
163 Pine Brook Road
Montville, NJ 07045
Areas: 1,21-Signatures of
the famous.
V. T. Short
c/o Cinderella Stamp Club
Hunters Lodge
Cottesmore Road
Ashwell, Oakham
Leicestershire LE15 7LJ
Great Britain
(By Bob Spence)
Columbus Industries
320 S. Wells
Reno, NV 89502
(By Douglas B. McDonald)
Joseph P. Gaffney
(Collector- Dir)
24 Eldona Avenue
Falmouth, MA 02540
Areas: 2,3,4,7,8,9,20,22,
24,26,30 & 31.
(By Bob Spence)
H. N. Elston
P. O. Box 1147
N. Windham, ME 04062
Areas: 1 , 3 , 4 , 8 , 10 , 12-ME
related tokens, medals
exonumia, 20,21,22,
23,24,25,30,31 & 32.
(By Paul Brittain)
Harry R. Johnson, Sr.
(Collector )
4279 Garand Lane
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Areas: 2-FL,0H & Eastern
US, 22,26 and 31.
(By Bob Spence)
Dr. J. T. McHale (Collector)
725 18th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Areas: 1,8,9,11,13,14,16,
18 6. 23.
(Items in Linn's & BNR)
1181 Thomas Sr Elsroth
19 Tulip Road
Mahopac, NY 10541
Areas: 2-NY,NJ,NC,SC,3,4,
12-World Fairs &
Expos Checks, 20,
21,22,24,26 & 31.
(By Bob Spence)
1182 Armin Hof sommer (Collector)
Box 28335
San Jose, CA 95159
Areas: 1 and 21.
(By Bob Spence)
1183 William G. Kanowsky
1533 Savannah Drive
Evansville, IN 47715
Areas: 2 , 5 , 6 , 7-Scotland,
8,9,10 and 30.
(By Bob Spence)
1184 Edward G. Little
4815 W. Clearwater #114
Kennewick, WA 99336
Areas: 1,5,6,8,9,11,13 & 22
(By Paul Brittain)
1185 Lawrence H. Peterson
P. O. Box 949
Lotus, CA 95651
(By Bob Spence)
43 Ron Horstman (Collector)
Box 6011 •
St. Louis, MO 63139
Areas: 4,12-St. Louis fis--
cals and currency, 20,
23,30 and 32.
1045 Steven Mitnick
P. O. Box 887
Short Hills, NJ 07078
1078 James L. Gray
P. O. Box 761
Greenville, NC 27835
867 Eric Jackson
P. O. Box 728
Leeaport, PA 19533
1114 Russ Sears-
OF 1988 DUES
In accordance with By-Laws, 53
members have been dropped. Rein¬
statement may be obtained upon
prompt payment of 1988 dues.
The Check Collector
800-328-9584 EXTENSION 7163 OR 7476.
P. O. BOX 7395
JERSEY CITY. N. J. 07307
Stocks and Bonds for Collectors
We also Buy " One or A Ton”
(415) 566-6400
MAIL - P O BOX 531
Specialist - Paper Money and
Paper Collectables
Edgewood Coin Company
936 S. Edgewood Ave.
Jacksonville, Florida 32205
Telephone 904/389-0013
SATURDAY 1030 A M. - 1 :30 P.M.
^ ig nc^l>'
Including checks, stocks, misc. fiscal paper,
etc. Write for free catalogue.
320 S. Wells Ave, Reno, NV 89502 (702J-323-4566
STOCK CERTIFICATES for collectors,
dealers, decorators, museums. Railroads,
mining, petroleum, other topicals. Advise of
your collecting interests for current list(s).
Also buy.
P.O. BOX 155 • ROSELLE PARK, NJ 07204 • (201) 241-4209
Historical Paper
‘ 'ay
All Types of Paper Ephemera
Bought - sold - Traded
P.O. BOX 7310
(206) 874-5017
HJ.W. Daugherty
P.O. Box 1146
Eastham, Mass., 02642
Checks for collectors on approval.
Eastern USA, Florida and Foreign.
State area of interest.
Some old Western stock certificates
Free list for SASE.
Robert A. Spence
P. O. Box 69
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Your choice of states: Colorado,
Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Iowa,
Nebraski' Missouri and Oklahoma.
Mixed batch: 30 for $1, my choice.
All checks- mint and unused.
SASE (ample postage) please.
Matt J. Zagar
501 High Drive
Castle Rock, Colo. 80104
The Check Collector
send for free
price list of US and
foreign checks, travellers
checks, bank tokens,
bank post cards, etc.
Fast Service
Reasonable Prices
Box 871
Seward, AK 99664
Oregon Pioneer Currency Albums
and Transport of Your Notes
Sized for your Large Type notes,
CSA, Colonials, Obsoletes, Nationals
Send For Free Brochure Today!
6802 S.W. 33rd Place, Portland, OR 97219
(503) 245-3659 (EVES)
Call Toll-Free 800-622-1880
In New York (212) 943-1880
Check Collectors
Bank Note Reporter is for you!
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